Amazing Benefits of Tree Hugging/Whispering
Our busy modern lifestyle keeps us away from nature further and further. We need remind ourselves that the closer we are to the nature, the healthier we will be. Simply hug a tree, talk to a tree, can connect yourself to the nature and has amazing health benefits.
The practice of hugging trees has deep roots in ancient cultures worldwide. For example, in Native American cultures, hugging trees was seen as a way to connect with the wisdom of nature and to heal both body and soul. In India, the practice of Vriksha Ayurveda involved leaning against trees to absorb their healing vibrations.
Hugging trees has many benefits, including:
- Stress reduction
- Improved immunity
- Lower blood pressure
- Faster recovery:
- Oxytocin release: Hugging a tree releases oxytocin, the hormone of love and trust.
- Sense of connection: Hugging a tree can help you feel happier, calmer, and more connected.
- Appreciation for nature: Hugging a tree can build appreciation and gratitude for nature
Same as tree whispering. The benefits are a sense of non-judgement, mental clarity and emotional cleansing by exploring thoughts and emotions, and a sense of psychological unburdening, causing us to feel lighter and brighter.
So embrace a tree whenever you can, live naturally, happy and healthy!