Eye Health
Our sight is very important!! There might be some alternative ways to improve your eyesight that you might not know about.
Everyone has eye strain living in today’s digital world. Whether you want to improveyour vision, recover from dry eyes, or eye fatigue, reduce floaters, clear/improve flashing and other eye health issues, our holistic approach is worth a try. The treatment plan includes Chinese herbal eye roller application, foods, supplements, and eye exercise. It is safe, effective, and low-cost.
The plan was born out of my own eye problem. I ended up in an ER by the end of last year with sudden increased and darkened floaters, and server flashings on my right eye. The ER did nothing but recommended me to see a retina specialist. The specialist told me that there was nothing he could do to help or stop the symptoms, just waited till it got worse, then came in for a surgery. Of course, I was not going to settle for this kind of answer. As always, I started my own search for a cure.
I realized that I strained my eyes when I studied for my holistic wellness coach certification. After that, my eyes felt fatigue very easily, sometimes I felt the pressure in my right eye, and of course my vision got worse. I had been having great vision growing up until then, things became blurry, and I was afraid that my retina would have server problem at any time. The specialist recommended me to see him once a month, but by the second visit, I noticed that they use X-ray on my eyes, and that was the time that specialist got fired (by me). I then started to use a various method to treat my precious eyes, I have been using patent Chinese herbal medicine eye roller, eating foods, and taking supplements for eye health. I also added qigong for eye health and other eye exercises to my routine. I started to notice the differences about 3 months, my vision improved, and my eye fatigue was gone. I am so happy to announce that the flashings in my right eye are gone, and the floaters got less and lighter after a year of treatment.
I believe every illness has a cure, if YOU, not doctors, pay attention to your body and find out early enough and then provide all the help that your body needs for healing itself.
Another good news is that this treatment works well for your dog’s eyes, too. I have tried a couple of foods to my dog, a 16-year-old Chihuahua, her vision quickly improved. She has early stage of cataracts in both eyes, so she doesn’t pay enough attention to the surroundings like before. Just a week later after eating eye health foods, she started to bark at the equals that crawling on my backyard fence!
Nothing to lose, why not give it a try for your precious eyes! Many of us take our sight for granted until we have eye problems. Our eyes are miraculously made, they work hard for us every day. Give them the retreat they deserve and make them happy and healthy again!
P.S. the foods and supplements are not my inventions, they have been used for eye health for hundreds or even thousands of years.