High Blood Pressure?

High Blood Pressure?

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Think twice before taking any medications

Every drug has side effects. Doctors prescribe drugs because they were trained to do so. One of my tai chi students told me he has kidney failure which was induced by his meditations for high blood pressure. He was angry and asked his doctor why he didn't prescribe a safe drug. The answer is there is no safe drug out there. The only safe treatments are food, natural remedies and proper exercises. 

If you have high blood pressure, but you live a healthy lifestyle, then the cause is most likely mineral or vitamin deficiency. I have a client, he goes to gym, eats well but his blood pressure has been high. After thoroughly studying his case, I figured out that it was one important mineral that caused his high blood pressure. He only took 3 doses, the blood pressure was back to normal!  He was thrilled and told me his blood pressure was 121/63, and he is 74! Even with the meditations that his doctor gave him, "I have not had a reading even close to that in quite a long time!" Human body can heal itself when it is supplied all the nutrients it  needs. Drugs don't cure any diseases just cover up the symptoms, and then cause more symptoms. Finding the root cause is the key that lead to a complete healing.

.  For those who have high blood pressure and take medications, please  remember that your meditation will not cure you, but lifestyle change can. I know a lots of people like the easy way which is swallow the medications every day. If you don’t take some action to live a healthy lifestyle, your meditation will get you in trouble in future

I highly suggest seeking a holistic approach first with any health concerns

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