Treat Eczema Naturally

Treat Eczema Naturally

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

I was “Godsent” to a little girl with sever eczema!

I went grocery shopping this evening. At the checkout, I saw a beautiful 6-year-old girl with sever eczema all over her face and arms. As a holistic health coach, I had experience treating eczema before. After a short conversation with the mother, the root causes are pretty obvious. I give three suggestions: 1. Change the laundry detergent to chemical free ones; 2. Have a food allergy test done; 3. Stop swimming in the chlorine pool which she does every day. The mother was very happy for my help and told me that I was Godsent. What an honor!

Of course, like thousands of eczema suffers, they went to the dermatologist and received antibiotics and cortisone. Drugs may bring temporary relief but they will make the eczema worse. Once again, finding the root causes is the key for healing.  

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